
About Us

At Island Jiu-Jitsu Michigan we are committed to the art and lifestyle of Jiu-Jitsu. We rely on the core principles of training the body, strengthening the mind, and challenging the soul. Knowing that Jiu-Jitsu builds character motivates us to work hard every day. Honing our unique style in the art of Jiu-Jitsu, we come to recognize the ways in which we become better individuals both on and off the mats. Our trust lies in the incredible community of people that we are lucky enough to share the mats with every day. At Island Jiu-Jitsu, we have faith in the Journey.

We teach self-defense for all people and all ages as well as competition Jiu-Jitsu for practitioners looking to fight at the highest level. Our dedication belongs to the development of every student that walks through the door. Our students pride themselves not just on their commitment to their Jiu-Jitsu Journey, but also on the quality of their relationships with their teammates, sportsmanship with their competitors, and the content of their character.

We are always striving to learn the newest techniques. World-class instructors put on seminars regularly throughout the year at our academy. Past seminars include ADCC and world champions alike, such as JT Torres, Josh Hinger, Dominique Bell, Michael Liera Jr., Nisar Loynab, and many more.

Our head instructor is Coach Nick Jones, who founded the Island Jiu-Jitsu Michigan Academy on the first of May in 2016. He became West Michigan’s first black belt on the thirteenth of December in 2020. Nick received his black belt from IJJ Founder Jason Vigil (Atos Jiu-Jitsu) at Island Jiu-Jitsu headquarters in Honolulu, Hawaii.




Coach Nick Jones

Black Belt, Head Coach of Island Jiu Jitsu Michigan

Nick Jones started training Jiu-Jitsu in 2009 and has been a very active competitor throughout his career, competing in NAGA, New Breed, Modern Flow, Five Grappling, Fuji, the Meijer Judo Open, the Michigan Open, the Arnold’s, and the Hawaii Triple Crown. 

He has traveled to train extensively throughout the Midwest, as well as California, Hawaii, and Las Vegas. He has trained at many schools, including Atos HQ, Art of Jiu Jitsu (AOJ), Clark Gracie, and Robert Drysdale HQ, in order to train with world-class talent like Rafa Mendes, André Galvão, Michael Fowler, JT Torres, Josh Hinger, Michael Liera Jr., Nisar Loynab, Matt Leighton, Dominique Bell, Ashur Darmo, Kristian Woodmansee, and Jeremiah Vance.


Coach Jason Vigil

Black Belt, Founder of Island Jiu Jitsu

Jason quickly discovered his passion for teaching and began teaching his friends in his garage in 2004. Island Jiu-Jitsu was formed in 2010 in the backyard of a home in Hawaii Kai as a Jiu-Jitsu club. In 2012, after the birth of his first daughter, Jason decided to open a formal Jiu-Jitsu school in Honolulu, Hawaii. Jason received his Black Belt in 2013 from Jason Izaguirre (Owner/Coach of Gracie Jiu-Jitsu Kailua). Jason believes students need to learn both the basics of Gracie Jiu-Jitsu self-defense and the new techniques that world champions use today. Training at Island Jiu-Jitsu means that you will learn every detail of a technique, regardless of your belt rank or experience. Everyone is supported and encouraged to perform at their best.


  • Vincent Rennells

    Vince started his journey back in 2006 training in boxing, taekwondo, and Jiu-Jitsu. Utilizing these skills, he finished with an amateur record of 3-1 in MMA. After years of traveling and training, he settled back home honed his focus on Jiu-Jitsu.

    Starting at IJJ Michigan in 2016, he quickly reignited his love for the sport as well as his love for teaching. Always eager to learn and grow both inside and outside of the gym, he is constantly pushing his students to help them reach their goals.

    Vince has been leading morning fundamentals since 2019 and received his Brown Belt in October of 2022. Vince brings a broad pool of knowledge and technical skill to his students and always pushes them to grow as much as he pushes himself.

  • Carmel Hernandez

    Carmel trained MMA for several years, competing at the amateur level, whereafter he began training at Island Jiu-Jitsu Michigan in 2016. Discovering his passion for Jiu-Jitsu and looking for the opportunity to contribute more to the community, he became a kids coach in 2021.

    Carmel has competed and been victorious in expert division tournaments and has flown across the country to fight at the biggest tournaments. You will often see him uke for coach Nick at both kids’ and adult classes.

    Carmel’s hobbies when he’s not training Jiu-Jitsu are video games and disc golf. Carmel is currently a four-stripe purple belt.

  • Sam Pringle

    Sammy started training BJJ back in 2016. He has had the opportunity to train and compete in multiple states and events over the years and found a family within the community. He enjoys working with all experience levels, especially beginners, and loves to watch how people develop both on and off the mats after spending time with the sport. Sammy is currently a four-stripe purple belt.

  • Brendan Bowen

    Brendan started training Jiu-Jitsu in 2010. After playing football and other sports in high school, he needed something to give him a reason to continue to work out.

    “Jiu-Jitsu is perfect because it challenges you physically and mentally. It's not enough to physically be in good shape. You have to be mentally sharp as well.”

    He most recently received his third stripe on his purple belt. He has been teaching mornings since 2022, where his attention surrounds the finer details of perfecting the fundamental positions and set-ups of Jiu-Jitsu. Outside of the gym he enjoys watching football, bowling, cooking, and spending time with his girlfriend and their two kids.

  • Eva Pereda

    Eva began training BJJ in 2014 and was the first woman at the Academy to earn her purple belt. She is known as the Gym Momma and is ready to help anyone who needs it, whether they’ve been here for years, or have just walked through the doors. Eva is one of the women’s coaches as well as assistant coach for the kids’ classes.

  • Devin Riggs

    Devin started training Jiu-Jitsu at the age of 15 through his love of mixed martial arts. With the many benefits and family environment of the gym, he discovered it did not take long for him to become hooked.

    “I've always loved helping others in any ways that I can, but especially when on the mats!”

    There aren’t too many hobbies of his that don’t revolve around any type of combat sports, but if he had to name a few they would include hunting, fishing, hiking, and spending time with family and friends.

  • Matt Jolman

    Purple belt Matt Jolman began his Jiu-Jitsu journey in 2011. After a long hiatus, he joined Island Jiu-Jitsu Michigan in 2017 and has trained there regularly ever since.

    Matt earned his blue belt in the fall of 2019 and was awarded his purple belt in the fall of 2022. You can find Matt training most mornings Monday through Friday.

    Aside from BJJ (which is the best…) Matt wrestled in school and briefly trained in both Chinese Wu-Su and Mauy Thai.

    When not at the gym, Matt enjoys camping, backpacking, and canoeing. He also enjoys traveling and visiting other BJJ gyms.

  • Andra Durham

    Andra started training at Island Jiu-Jitsu Michigan in 2018. She earned her blue belt in 2020 and received her purple belt in October 2023. She enjoys the mental and physical challenges of Jiu-Jitsu and appreciates that the sport provides the opportunity to meet all kinds of people. When she is not training, Andra enjoys hiking, reading, and singing in the local chamber choir.

  • Kayla Hooker

    Kayla has been training Jiu-Jitsu at the Academy since 2019 and trains nearly every day. She has competed at the white and blue belt levels at local tournaments, consistently hitting the podium. She has placed at two IBJJF tournaments, earning medals in both Gi and No-Gi at both of her showings. Kayla also was a bronze medalist at the 2024 Pan IBJJF Jiu-Jitsu Championship, earning three submissions. Outside of training, Kayla works as a dental assistant and loves spending time with her kitties, Omo and Choi

  • Nate Barrett

    Nathan is Island Jiu-Jitsu’s yoga instructor. He has been practicing yoga and meditation for nearly 12 years and believes strongly in the utility of a regular practice to complement the mental and physical requirements of Jiu-Jitsu. He has been practicing Jiu-Jitsu since 2019 and is currently a three-stripe blue belt.

    He believes that meditation and combat sports like Jiu-Jitsu are important aspects of cultivating a mindset that tends toward equanimity and rational problem solving under pressure. His yoga classes are focused on aiding these skills.

    Nate also enjoys writing poetry and fiction and reads widely, whether it be from ancient Chinese poets or modern literary works. He is actively involved in developing Muskegon’s writers’ community by hosting open mics, helping aspiring writers, and booking events around town.

  • Greg Churchley

    Before joining the Island team in 2020, Greg began training Jiu-Jitsu in 2019, one week before his 39th birthday. With no real marital arts experience to speak of, he had no idea that BJJ would become one of the most important aspects of his life. At the time, he figured it was either train Jiu-Jitsu or run, and he wasn’t about to run!

    While he primarily trains in the Gi due to his family schedule, he loves both Gi and No-Gi equally. As a blue belt, Greg is still finding his game and thoroughly enjoys the mindset of being a “continual learner.”

    Most weeks he racks up as many or more training sessions coaching as he does directly training for himself. If asked, he would tell you that one of his favorite aspects of coaching is ensuring a new student has a great first experience.

    “We’ve all had our bad days on the mats, but that first day—before you really love it—might be the most important day in any BJJ journey.”

    When not on the mats, Greg spends most of his time with his unusually large family (seven kids) and close friends and serving at his local church.

  • Grady Doran

    Grady loves Jiu-Jitsu for the way it combines a problem/puzzle-solving aspect on a mental level with serious physical demand. He has been in martial arts his whole life, moving through wrestling, kickboxing, and MMA until starting Jiu-Jitsu in 2019 and dedicating himself to that ever since. Grady received his blue belt on June 12, 2021, at the JT Torres seminar... EPIC.

    Grady loves working with the kids as well as giving out wrestling instructions to anyone looking to improve their game.

    Besides fighting for funzies, he loves music. He plays guitar, piano, and can sing to boot. Grady is an engineer and is married to his wife of 15 years, with whom he has a 13-year-old daughter.

  • Matt Rose

    Matt Rose started his martial arts journey with Judo in 2008; following years of training, he received his Black Belt. After taking some time off he found his way back into martial arts at Island Jiu-Jitsu in 2021. He received his blue belt in the fall of 2023.

    Matt primarily trains No-Gi but has trained in the Gi for years while training in Judo. He enjoys helping anyone learn how to take people to the mats, so feel free to ask him any questions.

    Outside of Jiu-Jitsu he is the youth leader of his Church and plays drums for the worship team. He enjoys spending time with his wife and son, watching football, hunting, playing drums, shooting guns, and riding his motorcycle.

  • Dan Carrier

    Assistant Coach Dan, affectionately known as “Dan Dan” at the gym, started training in Colorado in 2015 while looking for a way to stay in shape for climbing over the winter. His most recent promotion was the second stripe on his purple belt in October of 2022. Dan personally enjoys the mix between the still and the chaos that Jiu-Jitsu provides as well as the calm demeanor he has learned to exemplify while under heavy strain.

    If you’re training at the Academy you will get to know Dan. He is there for nearly every class. Dan’s hobbies include mountaineering, rock climbing, backcountry survival, and reading stoic philosophy.

  • Matt Straley

    Assistant Coach Matthew was introduced to Jiu-Jitsu by his Uncle Corey after finishing high school in 2021. Matthew was a multi-sport athlete all throughout his high school career. Island Jiu-Jitsu was recommended to him, and he started going to classes in September 2021.

    He received his blue belt in August 2023. He is a consistent competitor with multiple entries in Fuji, Grappling Industries, NAGA, and IBJJF. His most recent competition achievement was winning gold at the IBJJF Chicago open in the white belt lightweight division.

    The aspect of Jiu-Jitsu that Matthew likes the most is the constant new techniques and different approaches to each roll. Another aspect that he likes is the connections that he makes with other people and practitioners of the sport.

    Matthew enjoys drawing, writing, reading, and eating in his free time. He is currently enrolled at Grand Valley State University to complete his undergraduate degree in Political Science.

  • Brian Delger

    As of March 2024, Assistant Coach Brian is a two-stripe white belt after starting his Jiu Jitsu journey in February 2023 with no prior martial arts experience. He first walked into Island Jiu-Jitsu Michigan in January 2023, when he brought two of his four sons in for their trial class. He and his wife, Melissa, were looking for something to teach the boys discipline and help with self-esteem and confidence. Brian had heard about the benefits of Jiu-Jitsu from popular podcasters, ex-navy seal Jocko Willink, and comedian Joe Rogan. After watching the kids’ class and the adults getting warmed up for their class, he knew he would deeply regret it if he didn't try Jiu-Jitsu.

    Brian loves how challenging Jiu-Jitsu is and that it is something he can enjoy with all four of his boys. Brian was 41 when he stepped on the mats for the first time and after a year of training, he’s in the best shape of his life. Brian also enjoys mountain biking, practicing guitar, and target shooting, although Jiu-Jitsu has taken the top spot among his hobbies.

    "Training Jiu-Jitsu at Island Jiu-Jitsu Michigan has been life-changing for me! Everyone at the gym is so helpful and welcoming. I feel incredibly blessed to be a part of Nick Jones’s team! I look forward to learning, teaching, and continuing to grow our team!”

Challenge The Soul